Sunday, 2 March 2014

From Deen to Fort William

Drumroll please!!!!!! My first ever travel blog! Tattadaa!!!! So, I went to a weekend away with the Nordic society to Fort William and it was just awesome. The scenery was breathtaking as you can see from the photos, but you have to see it yourself if you have the chance to do so. Then you can understand the real beauty of the Highlands and smell the ever so fresh mountain air.
Ben Nevis was so beautiful. Although I wasn't able to climb on it. We were already soaking wet when we reached the root of the mountain, but I crossed over a very "challenging" bridge. It was like you were walking on a piece of string. As you can see on the photo. It wasn't any child's play....

At the hostel we had a lovely dinner and time to dry up. It was sooooo much fun to cook food for a fairly massive group and in a great company. 
We also had some "warming up" drinks and a few more for the health... 

In the next morning it was time to head back home, but not forgetting to stop along the way to enjoy the amazing scenery. We stopped to see the famous Harry Potter bridge and yes, it is in Scotland. Not in England or in Wales, people!

We also had lunch at the famous fish and chips place in Aviemore. For the first time in my life I ate a deep fried Mars bar and I have to say it was pretty good. I wish I had a photo of it, but it was gone in a matter of seconds. 
I was really glad that after the meal, it was time to sit in the car again and continue the journey home because I couldn't have walked a single meter. It was definitely a 'heart attack' meal that can't be eaten too many times. I don't regret it, but it was really good that I went to the gym the next day.... 

I'm soooo glad that I went on the trip and it was worth every single penny. I was definitely in need of a break from Uni and definitely deserved it. I had so much fun and let's not forget the amazing scenery... Now, it's time to work and study hard again that I will graduate in the summer with honors! See ya soon guys and Carpe diem. 

My sport/fitness tips (part 1)

It's official, I'm the worst blogger on the planet earth! Although I have been very busy with Uni and I haven't been really in the mood to write posts but here we go....
For a popular demand I'm writing this blog post for you to share some of my fitness tips that I have learned during the years when I have trained. Big thanks to my friend who suggested this. You know who you are...
I was slightly hesitant to write this post because there is fitness gurus way smarter than me. I'm just a student from Aberdeen with big dreams. So, I have to emphasize that I'm no expert or a fitness guru, but these things have worked for me. Although it doesn't necessarily mean that they will work for you, but it doesn't harm to try, right?

What I recently learned or actually realized is that there should be a balance in your exercise routine and in life in general if that is possible. In your exercise routine the balance is between Cardio + muscle work. When I go to the gym or to an exercise class I tend to warm up before I do any muscle work. The warmup is the key. It prevents injuries and any long term damage to your body. During my active dancing years we always warmed up before class and it made a huge difference and stretching of course afterwards. I will guarantee that your muscles won't be that sore if you remember to stretch for a couple of minutes after your workout. 
I know that some people hate running on the treadmill to get the heart pumping and get the sweat on. I personally can run on the treadmill up to 30 minutes at a steady pace. After that it gets really boring and you just don't go nowhere. 
There are other ways to get the sweat on like having a wee jog from home to the gym or walk faster than you usually do when you go the gym. Rowing is also a very good option or cycling. Cross trainer is good if you want to get the feeling you are running but you actually aren't.
However the best tip or advice I can give is that you have to have determination and motivation towards training. Without that it is pretty much a no go. Training with friends and loved ones is a great cure for that. You boost them and they boost you. And just remember the slogan from Nike 'JUST DO IT'.

Then there is the thing called the DIET. I don't really like that word to be honest. What I have learned that banning something from yourself isn't the way to go. What I mean by that taking all the fun, sugar and spice from your diet isn't the answer. You should give yourself some slack and feast once in a while, but not every day. 
Eating vegetables, fruits, chicken and carbs are the key to success. And most importantly drink plenty of WATER. You have to be hydrated to be able to function. Water just makes you feel so much better and makes your skin glow if you don't necessarily like to drink plain water, you squeeze a half of lemon to your water to make it more tasty to your liking

Don't forget to take some vital vitamins. Especially if you are a vegetarian. You need those irons! And I highly recommend to take D-vitamin during these gloomy winter months to get you out of your winter blues. It makes your nails stronger and boosts up your energy levels. You have way more energy to do stuff and you won't want to stay in bed on a sunny day or rainy day!

So, here are some tips what I have gathered during the years. I can't put everything in this post, but here are some of the basics. If you wanna know more, then pop me a comment and I'll write the part 2.

But in any case if your goal is to either lose weight or tone up. In any case, try to remember to have fun and enjoy the results. It won't happen overnight, but in a few months you will see definite results and you will fit into your favorite jeans.

Oh, and also here is some of my fitness clothes, in which I feel like "million dollars". I know that these are all Nike products that can be fairly expensive, but when you place money on quality for once. They will last for a long time. Soc is also very good brand for those who live in the Nordic countries. Almost all my workout T-shirts are from there. See ya soon and happy spring.