Friday, 11 April 2014

Just because...

Hey peeps! I know I have been away for a while, but I have been very busy with Uni and I'm actually currently writing my dissertation. So, this will be a quick blog post, but I promise that there is more to come when I have more time to write and actually sit in front of my computer not just writing essays and such but a post for you guys, whoever you are. I hope you still keep reading my blog even though the posts have become rarer and rarer. The posts in the future, hopefully coming in May, will be about the Edi trip with my friend, the King's Ball and my AMAZING trip to the States... Interested? 

So, why I'm writing this blog post today? Well, I have made some "drastic" changes to my life. I have started eating better and eating more than just two times a day. I had a new exercise plan to prepare me for the army in July. Yes, guys! I'm going to join the Finnish Defense Forces for a year and have a gapish year of studying. I really need a break from studying before hopping the train towards the masters. 

The changes I have made in my life, have already made a massive effect on me. I feel so much better and I like the reflection on the mirror more than ever (I'm not self centered at all...). Making these changes I know that I can achieve my goals and be happy to be me and nobody else. I also hope that I can help others to make changes in their lives and be happy about themselves. I know it isn't easy, but life is a long journey that has many crossroads to choose from. The most important thing is to choose the right one for you and not thinking all the time "what if"? You will just loose precious energy and time. We are only on this earth for once. So, let's enjoy it! Carpe diem! Here is my wee motivation for you guys on the internets. 

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